If you want to buy a pearl necklace or bracelet from PearlAndGold ? Here are some valuable tips for clasping.
There are always women who like pearl necklaces. Besides, it's likely you've fallen on one of those beautiful jewelry necklaces, but which one would suit you best?
Today, earrings remain the most used adornment items. Conversely, when wearing an entire adornment, the earring is the most important element.
Keshi pearls are unique because they do not quite fit the definition of a natural pearl or a cultured pearl.
Very popular with collectors, Tahitian pearls are regularly counterfeited, such as detecting the real fakes?
Placing a diamond on a ring to form a ring is not easy. There are professionals who specialize in this maneuver. This technique is called crimping.
The black pearls of Tahiti are very popular with collectors, but are there other shades and coloured hues?
Tahitian pearls are both fascinating and mysterious, their health benefits are recognized around the world, but few people really know them. What about?