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The shape of the pearls is one of the most important criteria in the selection and enhancement of a pearl. Indeed, the shape makes it possible to make assemblages more or less harmonious with other pearls. Finally, the shape of a pearl is also synonymous with character, originality or conformism. The shape of the pearl therefore has a very interesting meaning in the culture of pearl fishermen. Today we will try to explain how to differentiate the pearls according to their shape. What are the factors that explain this shape of pearls and finally what are the most expensive pearls and what are the cheapest pearls.

Factors affecting the shape of a pearl during its creation

The pearl is created when an irritating element enters the oyster. Immediately, to protect itself, the oyster surrounds the intrusive element of a mother-of-pearl layer, which will form the pearl. This pearl can be more or less round, more or less large, with more or less imperfections. Here is what determines the size and quality of the shape of this pearl.

First of all the shape of the intrusive and irritating object introduced into the oyster is very important. Indeed, if the nucleus of this irritating object is not perfectly round from the start, then the pearl will not be at all round at the end of its gestation time in the oyster. Thus, growers always make sure to introduce the roundest or most resistant core possible. Indeed, a nucleus that is too fragile can cause the mother-of-pearl that forms above to crack or shrink. Thus, even before cultivating the pearl, the choice of the introduced nucleus is an essential, essential factor.

The second rational explanation of the shape of a pearl is its place in the oyster. Indeed, either the tahitian pearl is in the center of the oyster, or it remains on one side of the oyster. If the pearl is in the center and it does not move too much, then it will grow and acquire a perfectly round shape. Indeed, nothing will prevent its development and growth. This is why pearls are grown near the islands, where there are fewer waves. The water is favorable for their growth first of all and the low presence of wave reduces the movement of the oyster and therefore the pearl in the oyster. So if the pearl is at the center of the oyster it will probably grow well and become round. On the contrary, if it sticks and lands near an edge of the oyster, the pearl will follow the shape of the wall where it is hung. Thus, some pearls are very beautiful because they have features or circles on their surface because of the shape of the oyster.

The pearls sticking to the wall of the oyster are often of lower quality because the core will be off-center however they can at the same time be beautiful and unique unlike perfectly round beads that have a precise pattern.

Pearls Shape

The different forms of pearl

As we have said before, there are several forms of pearl distinguished by the experts responsible for the enhancement of pearls. We can first classify the pearls into two categories: regular pearls with similar shapes and so-called baroque pearls that do not have a regular shape in contrast to the first ones.

First of all, the regular pearls are:

The round pearls. These are the most logical pearls to look for and yet they are very rare. The rounder a pearl is, the less imperfection it has, the more its value will increase. These pearls are also called spherical ones.

The symmetrical pearls. Their shape is not spherical like the first pearls but if the bead was cut in half into an axis of symmetry, the two slices would be roughly symmetrical.

Finally there are a multitude of so-called regular pearls that have more particular shapes like the almost round pearl which unlike the round bead will have a flat part. The oval pearl which as its name suggests is oval, the pearl drop in the shape of a drop of water, etc.

Here are the so-called baroque pearls. These pearls have no regular shape at all. These were most often formed on the wall of the oyster and married the particular form. You cannot divide a baroque pearl into two identical slices, you cannot measure the diameter of a baroque pearl. The baroque pearl therefore has a unique value because it is itself unique.

Unlike regular pearls, the baroque pearl is not going to have a precise classification because it does not fit into any category of pearls.

We can add that there are so-called semi-baroque pearls. These pearls have a so-called baroque part, completely irregular but also a round or regular part. However, semi-baroque pearls are for simplicity's sake often classified in the "baroque pearl" category.

Characteristics also exist such as strokes on the surface of pearls or circles. Again, these characteristics do not follow an international classification and their determination rests solely with the experts who will examine the pearl. Because of their uniqueness, however, baroque pearls are worth much more money than regular pearls when they are harmonious and allow to embellish a particular ensemble.

The value of pearls

Regarding valuation, the most expensive pearls are pearls which alone have the best characteristics of the different criteria for classification of pearls. These exceptional pearls are called TOP Gems and rated AAA.